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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2021-06-10

In order to promote the development and healthy upgrading of the food industry in the post epidemic era, CCOA (Chinese Cereals and Oils Association)and ICC(International Association for Cereal Science and Technology) invited three experts in the industry to discuss three topics.This webinar will be held in English language.


Xinzhong Hu - Shaanxi Normal University

Topic:Processing technology innovation and Glycemic Index evaluation of Coarse Cereals




Jian Xie - China Grain Wuhan Scientific Research & Design Institute

Topic:Healthy development of rice industry in China in the post epidemic era





Yuanrong Jiang - Wilmar Global R&D Center

Topic: Upgrading and innovation of plant protein industry





Date: 25 June 202109:00-11:00 hrs CET

Registeration address:


通讯地址:西安市长安区西长安街620号 陕西省谷物科学国际联合研究中心




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